I+D+i Proyectos realizados en elCETSE

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Research + Development + Innovation

R+D+i activity at the Security Technology Centre CETSE

Royal Decree 207/2024

By which the basic organic structure of the Ministry of the Interior is developed, it establishes that the General Sub-directorate of Information and Communication Systems for Security SGSICS, is in charge of "Agreeing, coordinating, executing and carrying out any other necessary action related to the participation in European research, development and innovation (R+D+i) projects in the field of security in accordance with the instructions of the Secretary of State", as well as "Directing the Security Technology Centre (CETSE) as the implementing body of the specific functions of this Sub-directorate and of the R+D+i policies of the governing body".

In compliance with this article, the SGSICS represents the Ministry of the Interior before the European Commission in the R&D projects in which it participates, mainly within Programmes such as the 8th Framework Programme "Horizon 2020", or those projects of an innovative nature of European executive funds such as the FSI (Funds for Internal Security).

On the other hand, SGSICS is participating as a representative of the Ministry of the Interior in the elaboration of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2017-2020, contributing the vision of our Ministry within the Challenge in Security, Protection and Defence established in the Spanish Strategy for Science and Technology and Innovation 2013-2020.

The participation in the projects associated to these European funding programmes is carried out as a coordinator/partner/observer in several Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i) projects funded by the Seventh Framework Programme and the Horizon 2020 Programme of the European Commission (EC). These Programmes, within the security area is aimed at providing technological solutions to the agencies in charge of internal security, in the case of Spain, to the Security Forces and Corps and bodies dependent on the Secretariat of State for Security, under the legal and financial representation of the Subdirectorate General for Information and Communication Systems for Security.

Aware of the importance for Spain of promoting its business activity, SGSICS has been actively participating as an end user for years in certain projects presented in the calls for funding of the same by the EU, and whose main area is the promotion of R+D+i in public security at the national and European level. The Ministry of the Interior has thus evolved from an observer to a full partner, has even been able to apply to coordinate different projects, thanks to which it has acquired visibility and relevance at European and international level.

Image of people working at their tables

Among the objectives of CETSE is to

Centralize the representation of the Ministry of the Interior before the European Commission

In only two figures, as required by the EC of any public body:

  • Authorised representative, the Deputy Director General.
  • Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR), the Head of Service assigned to this project.

Main objectives:

  • Identify project funding opportunities through R+D+i programmes and calls.
  • Collect and support the processing of R+D+i project proposals from National Police, Guardia Civil as well as any other unit of the Ministry (CITCO, CNPIC..etc.)
  • Maintain a proactive attitude in the search for efficient technological programmes and solutions that will help to achieve the new objectives in the field of R+D+i in the Strategic Plan 2017-2020, and thus guarantee the main mission of the dependent bodies
  • Access to security technology products and solutions that can be subsequently applied successfully in the public security work provided by European Law Enforcement and other Security Forces.
  • To support the industrial sector that researches in security matters so that, having a prestigious and reference police force, they can access the mentioned European financial aids. Thus promoting collaboration between the administration, companies and universities.
Horizon 2020

Present situation

Since the last quarter of 2017, and after the approval of the Royal Decree 734/2020

R+D+i activity has been given a boost, establishing a working group within the scope of the Sub-Directorate with the mission of supporting the missions entrusted to this Unit in the area of Research, Development and Innovation.

More specifically, the Community of Users in Security in Spain has been created as an organization that seeks to coordinate public-private collaboration for the development of R+D+i in the field of security and that, in turn, seeks to coordinate and inform users of projects linked to the Framework Programmes called by the European Commission.

Within this Community of Users, a series of working groups have been created to identify the needs of the different security-related public bodies that make up the Community, with the aim of contacting academia and industry to try to respond to these needs.

Cetse logo


To encourage the successful participation of the Spanish Ministry of the Interior.

In programmes for financing R+D+i projects, as an efficient investment.

  • To act as the ideal Interlocutor of the Ministry of the Interior, in the European R+D+i field and in the national and international industrial technological field.
  • To coordinate the projects integrally, especially in the administrative, legal and financial aspects as a support to all the dependent organisms that participate in them.
  • To support and promote the coordination, communication and awareness of R+D+i of the Ministry of the Interior, in the management of projects and the Innovation and Development sector in new technologies.
  • To increase the leadership and/or coordination of the Ministry of the Interior in the proposals of participation in R+D+i projects.
  • Attempt to improve the approval rate of projects of European funding funds in which the different dependent operating units participate, which are of technological interest for the proper development of their daily functions and give them visibility at national and international levels.
  • To provide support to the units of the State Security Forces and Corps by coordinating initiatives such as the "Community of users - CoU at National and International level", promoted by this Sub-Directorate, in order to participate in the H2020 Programme and in other financing programmes both at European and national level (ERDF funds, CDTI tools...etc.).
  • To channel and favour the management of R+D+i in view of future challenges and for the best performance of the missions and tasks of the FCSE. This implies the participation as national contact points in working groups:
    • Working group of the State Secretariat for Security for Antidron Systems.
    • Technical working groups of the User Community with Industry and Universities.
    • Technology foresight at the Ministry of the Interior level promoted by the SGSICS (technical working groups, training sessions on H2020 matters for dependent bodies...etc.).
  • And in technological forums at a national and international level, such as
    • ENLETS - European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Services.
    • IFAFRI - International Forum to Advance First Responder Innovation.
    • PASAG - Horizon 2020 Protection And Security Advisory Group.
    • SRIEE - The Security Research, Innovation and Education Events.
  • Ideal partner of the Ministry of the Interior, in the field of R+D+i. Participation as experts and interlocutors in WHORKSHOPS, SMI2G (Security Mission Information and Innovation Group), SER3M, Local Police Conferences, CDTI Conferences, ISDEFE Conferences, Security and Defence R+D+i Conferences in Segovia, Attendance to Preparatory Conferences for the Defence for the search of dual technologies...etc.
Drone, camera and mobile image


Thanks to research, development and innovation

  • Identification of funding opportunities for projects of a technological nature for Security.
  • Unification of procedures for the presentation and processing of proposals.
  • Creation of synergies between the different departments of the Ministry of the Interior in the field of innovation and technological foresight.